by: Elle
A tale was
written long time ago
By a writer
whose name is unknown
Calling himself
the greatest writer of the century
Dusk was
when the story started
Emmet was
the name of the protagonist
For he
sought the happiness in his life
Going from
one city to another
Having the
greatest adventure in his life
In the
middle of the road, he met a beautiful lady
Just before
he wanted to stop searching
this might be the last chance for her happiness too
accepted Emmet proposal
Many years
had gone
lived a happy life
with perfection
them from seeing the best in each other
and arguments were their daily treats
their moods and wounded their hearts
So one day
they decided to be apart
Truth be
told they missed each other’s presence
Until they
crossed their path once again
Visible to
their eyes the perfection was when they had each other
Whew, I don’t
know how to end the story with only three letters left!
Xyst is
where I shall rest my mind
You can
complete this story how you like it to end
Zillion of
thanks for reading till the last line!
oh God i love it!!! nice one :))